Miss Maya would like to share her thoughts with the world…
“So when I first heard about Ireland I was really really really really sad to go and I just didn’t want to go. But I kept on thinking about it and now I kinda want to go. I am wondering what the Irish kids will think about my accent because to them I have a ginormous accent probably. I really hope that we can take our cat and if not we can get another cat in Ireland. I’m still pretty sad to leave my friends behind but I’m kinda happy that I get to go out of America and make friends and make new friends. I hope that we get a pretty big house because we have six people in our family but I know that the houses are pretty small and so are their refrigerators. Pretty much everything there is pretty small, at least smaller than we have here. I am really excited to be a new girl in school and I hope that I don’t get overwhelmed by all the questions they might ask. I am sad to leave our cat that I tamed in our backyard and I don’t have one chance of bringing him, but I have once chance at least to bring my cat Sami that we brought with us from Nevada. I think that I’m going to be pretty happy in Ireland and I’m going to miss my friends, but I know that I’m going to have really good friends there too. I just know it!”
Maya, The Simon Family from Nevada knows it to. You are going to love this adventure. Thank you for writing.